I have travelled to and attended many assemblies and protests over the years, and I have stood in solidarity and have compassion with the people who have been oppressed by successive governments who have lied, bullied and enslaved the people of this great island.
I have listened to the opposition who tell us VOTE for us we are different BUT offer NO SOLUTIONS, who have all the same whips and chains as those who would try enslave us now.
We are told we have democracy BUT thats just another LIE, What we have is an elected DICTATORSHIP that comes around once every 5 years or so and we get the chance to vote for LIARS, THIEVES and PARASITES in a rigged election.
I see my children and their children being sold into corporate slavery by corrupt political classes who pretend to represent us, but really only represent themselves and their corrupt agendas.
I am tired of the LIES and ask that the people read and share my words of encouragement to fulfil those dreams we all have, to simply live in a country where we prosper in life without want or fear.
When you’re ready to rise up, you’ll rise up,
All the power you need is in your hands,
Now look around you, our country has been hijacked by generations of liars, thieves and parasites.
While you work harder & harder, they are rigging the game against you.
They’ve turned us into Debt Slaves
PARASITIC THIEVES & CROOKS at the centre of our Government, are price fixing & selling and giving away our most valuable assets & resources.
They are fixing the value of money itself
Our wealth is being GIVEN AWAY in a huge conspiracy of unstoppable corruption.
They are robbing Ireland of billions of euros every single year,
Theres no need for IT
No need for poverty, No need for suffering, there is no scarcity,
WE are the victims of a robbery of unimaginably proportion,
WE have been fed a lie so BIG its impossible to swallow,
The truth is,
There is more than enough to go round,
60 years ago they predicted entire families would live on the wage of just one provider.
What happened to that dream ?
We have technologies that multiply our efforts a 1000 fold and connect us in ways our forefathers would never have thought possible,
We are many times richer than in those hay days of the 50s,
We are heirs to a great prosperity and wealth,
Trillions in oil and gas alone, We have Gold beneath our feet,
There is more than enough for every man woman and child,
But we don’t experience this wealth is because its been stolen by a corrupt criminal class, (politicians and the EU),
They loot through huge corporations, By raising prices & lowering wages,
They steal the fruits of our labour and productivity,
Once whole families prospered on one wage,
Now both parents work, delivering 8 times the productivity of years gone past but still struggling to make ends meet.
Our government control the media using social issues to confuse and divide us,
BROTHER against BROTHER, Neighbour against Neighbour,
So we fight each other,
While they rape and pillage our precious resources and those of our children and grandchildren,
They make us fear too big to fail banks collapsing,
BUT…. if these banks failed we’d suddenly recover the millions being stolen from this country every single day,
Who abuse you and enslave you and your children,
They who will steal your lives, by telling you what do, what to think, how to feel.
Did they think to conquer us the people?
WE.. the sovereign people who have vision and prophecy and the gift of fiery speech,
WE.. who have love in our hearts,
WE.. who have no treasure but hope,
No riches but a memories of an ancient glory when we were supreme,
WE.. who are not slaves.
Do they think to trick us the people into believing, you are our masters,
WE.. the sovereign people who have no masters.
WE.. who will NOT be under the lash of a master,
WE.. the people who they have tried to shame,
We who are the flesh of their flesh, the bone of their bone,
WE.. who will never submit,
WE.. who have souls greater than those who will try to enslave us,
And because we are of the people, We understand the people,
WE.. who are sorrowful with our sorrow, Hungry with our desires,
WE.. who are heavy with the grief of mothers who cannot feed or house their children,
Our eyes are wet with the tears of hungry children,
Ashamed that they have gone in want, while others have been full,
WE.. who have learned from old men,
WE.. who have laughed and cursed with young men,
Their suffering is our suffering and we are ashamed for it,
We are ashamed we have walked in fear of liars who would jail us,
WE.. who should paint stripes on our bodies, if we are to carry this shame.
I say to the people that WE are sovereign, and that WE are free despite what THEY may tell us,
That WE are greater than those who would try to enslave us with their writs and their summons threatening us if we do not do their bidding.
“Men, Mean and Cruel”
WE.. who are stronger and purer,
We just need to find the courage to oust these crooks and remove them from our minds and from our lives,
BUT now I speak to those who would try to be our masters,
BEWARE, BEWARE of the thing that is coming,
BEWARE of the risen people and we will take what you would not give,
Did you think to conquer the people, or that your law is stronger than our life,
WE.. the beautiful people who are free,
WE.. will try it out with you,
You that have harried and harassed, bullied and bribed,
You are who are Tyrants Hypocrites Liars,
WE.. will be rid of you.
Replace their corrupt systems and institutions with better systems and institutions that benefit all of us,
Take back the rewards of our labour and productivity,
Share our prosperity,
We can do this you know,
WE.. are the people, and when we come together we have the POWER , to create whatever future we want.
But its up to you,
Because when we come together we can create anything.
Thank you for reading and listening to my thoughts