Saturday, December 12, 2015

They, We and Us could not pick a better warrior or woman to stand beside that being, our friend, Claire Knowles.

To the women of Eriu truth, justice and the land itself was the living sacred entity. There was no intellectual separation between religion and the earth being our church and a freedom of body, mind and spirit thrived throughout communities. Living, all life, all acts, all relationships were essentially in harmony as women and then gentleness reigned; not in any formal senses but as a matter of simple fact achieved by a collective of woman of strength and courage united for the greater good; of a people, with rights, their land and simply by speaking and searching for their truth.
In the past a discussion how change would come, opinion was offered that only the women of the land Ireland could and would encompass the spirit required to bring forward those obvious changes required in Ireland where banks instead of tanks waged a war.
When the women of Ireland unite versus just one of the issues we have that being the homeless, housing and eviction crisis and stare down the system reclaiming their age old powers that will be the beginning of change as they will have no answer to education, compassion and care, a place we collectively must return, in one life.  
On Monday next one of those sitting at that round table discussion Claire Knowles, in circumstances not envisaged that day, will by injustice or fate be enforced to take that stand in the High Court as many of you may know.
I would not wish this nightmare on anyone especially Claire who, We and I, have come to know and love over the last numbers of years. A beautiful soul, a mother and grandmother, and a lady who has taken a stand for herself and many around the country over the last numbers of  years.
Claire who has a huge heart recognised far greater problems, outside of her own struggles, and took a stand versus the overall threat that corrupt banks, government and the judiciary have subjected on us all.
Claire with intuition, in addition to compassion, has been heavily involved in the much required support for distressed mortgage holders all around Ireland and in her native and much loved Cork.
Claire is fighting for justice and to expose the banks who are controlling our lives, government and economy when we can live in a far better way and world. Make no mistake,Claire is fighting for you, me and every distressed mortgage holders rights in the country next Monday afternoon the 14th of December.
The end of that discussion not so long ago and agreed unanimously was for all of us to speak our truth and the day would come when the women of Ireland will stand united in the high court. They, We and Us  could not pick a better warrior or woman to stand beside that being, our friend, Claire Knowles.
See you all Monday. Spread the good word.
It is not only important to dream but also to believe.


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