Thursday, November 10, 2016

A BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS A CERTIFICATE OF SLAVERY....You are officially “dead.” Your identity is owned by others.

Birth or Berth Certificates are used to steal your inherent equity of the earth


In 1836, the Births and Deaths Registration Act (1836) was introduced which for the first time created the General Register Office and the requirement for uniform records of births, deaths and marriages across the British Empire by Municipal Councils and Unions of Parishes. On the 1st of July 1837, the Birth Certificate was formed as the successor of the Settlement Certificate for all “paupers” disenfranchised of their land birthright to be considered lawful (“voluntary”) slaves with benefits provided by the local parish/region underwritten by the Society of Lloyds as it is still today. Your Birth Certificate is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and is worth millions based on how much they can squeeze out of you during your lifetime. That’s the real reason you pay tax.

You are officially “dead.” Your identity is owned by others.

We are born on the land and are heirs of the land; however, within hours of birth, undeclared agents of the “State” franchise have our Mothers sign Certificates of Live Birth. These documents are misrepresented as simple recordings of the baby’s birth. Instead, they are registrations of commercial “vessels” using the baby’s name, and serving to make the “State” franchise the beneficiary of the baby’s estate on the land.

Many days, weeks, or months later as determined by “State” law, your “vessel in commerce” is reported “missing, presumed dead” to the probate court, which then doctors the civil records and converts your living estate to a trust ESTATE benefiting the “State” perpetrators of this scheme.
You are now officially “dead” with respect to the land jurisdiction and unless you take action to correct the probate court records, you and your assets are permanently trapped in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 

You are therefore unable to take recourse to your holdings on the land or the law of the land that, if you were alive you would be entitled to. Have you ever heard the Constitution and the “Law of the Land”?

Sorry those constitutional guarantees don’t apply to you because you are officially and legally dead. There’s no legally recognisable living version of “you” operating on the land as a result of this fraud. Every headstone is written in CAPITAL letters. Every legal document referring to you is also written in CAPITAL letters. Look at your driving licence. That means to them you are dead.

This is all based on ‘State’ sponsored identity theft and unilateral adhesion contracts that are obtained under conditions of deceit while you were still just a baby. There’s no way that you could ever know that this was going on or have any opportunity to object to it.

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