Monday, November 21, 2016



Levels of awakening
The path to true freedom begins with recognising just how completely all the systems are rigged against you. Only from there can you withdraw your consent from all the rigged systems that are insidiously working to keep you sick, suppressed, impoverished and ignorant.
From there, focus your power and your effort inward, asking self-empowering questions like how can I become better informed and educated? How can I gain new skills? How can I improve my health and set myself free from the medical enslavement system? In time, these questions will transform to more broad questions such as: How can I contribute something meaningful to the world? What can I do to serve in the defense of life and truth?
These are levels of awareness / awakening. I describe them like this:
Level 0 - "Zombie"
This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.)
Level 1 - "Awakened"
This level is achieved when a person realizes something along the lines of "Hey, I'm living in a dream world. I'm being told lies at every turn. What is real? How can I know what is real?" This is where people start asking questions.
Level 2 - "Informed"
A level 2 person is someone who has taught themselves a significant amount of real history and the way the world really works. This person will have knowledge of politics, psychology, world history, economics, natural health, the natural world (water, ecosystems, soils, etc.), basic anatomy, basic science and so on. Not even 1% of the population today qualifies as level 2. Most people operate in a state of wild ignorance of the world around them.
Level 3 - "Mastery"
A level 3 person not only understands a great deal about the real world around them, they have also grasped ways to navigate through that world with great accomplishment and influence. They are innovators, creators and often communicators. Financial achievement is not the purpose here. Rather, it is achieving relevance in a world largely populated by utterly irrelevant people.
Level 4 - "Enlightenment"
This level is only achieved by those of the highest dedication to spiritual awakening. You would typically only find this level of understanding in people who pursue a lifetime practice of prayer, or transcendental meditation, or a similar spiritual practice. At this level of awareness, individuals become withdrawn from the material world and really have no interest in interacting with individuals of lower levels of awareness. Far less than one in a million human beings will ever achieve level 4 "Enlightenment."
Just to review these levels again, here are some of the keywords and concepts that typically relate to people of each level:
Level 0 - "Zombie" - Football, sports scores, TV sitcoms, processed junk food, vaccinations, playing the lotto, following doctors' orders, submitting to apparent authority, going along with the status quo.
Level 1 - "Awakened" - Asks questions. Reads ingredients on foods. Questions their doctor. Watches documentaries instead of sports. Attempts to assess information and think rationally. Questions false authority.
Level 2 - "Informed" - Reads books. Explores alternative information. Invests in self-education. Participates in activism. Seeks to make changes in the world around them. Speaks out with friends. Challenges people's beliefs. Reflects on their own beliefs and is capable of adaptation.
Level 3 - "Mastery" - Has great influence. Creates things. Innovates. Provides solutions. Invents new things. No television. No vaccines. No junk food. Has a very long-term perspective. Understands the "big picture." Seeks to help others. Has compassion for living things. Recognizes the web of life on our planet.
Level 4 - "Enlightenment" - Realizes the great illusion of life. Embraces immortality of consciousness and the human spirit. Expresses compassion for others but not intervention. Never seeks to "change" others, only to invite them to expand their awareness. Recognizes interconnectedness of all life systems. Sees the human life experience in a humorous light. Is able to tap into higher consciousness. Rarely seeks fame and not interested in financial success. Often abandons all material wealth.
Remember: The rigged systems in place today want to suppress your rise from Level 0 to Level 4. They wish to keep you as dumbed-down as possible so that you never become fully aware of what's really happening around you. Only by refusing to participate in those systems do you have a real opportunity to move up the levels and achieve the only thing that really matters: High-level consciousness.


A court, judge, or trustee that ignores the truth, by their very actions demonstrates their status of incompetency, criminality, negligence, dishonour and lack of standing to hold the position they claim to represent. 
They are in breach of trust and public contract. They have committed fraud and the only recourse a sovereign people have in the face of this is to embody honour and truth so as to replace the fallacious system. 
In the absence of legitimate government and true justice, the sovereign people's justice reigns supreme; so we better do our best to ensure it is honest and fair.
The sovereign people have always had the power to settle their own affairs honourably and in truth. The people are sovereign and are therefore the true custodians of the law. 
When two sovereigns are unable to settle a dispute, a third party can be appointed by them to assist in the matter; this is ostensibly the role of a Justice System. 
The ability to seek the truth and act compassionately and acknowledge others is what defines a sovereign being. "Do no harm and cause no damage to people or property" This common sense policy has been called the golden rule of law. It is the foundation of every system of justice on Earth; including the fraudulent ones that now prevail and run rampant. 
What if we encounter someone who is unwilling to act honourably? This is when a defensive action can be taken to ensure we are not harmed, but we must also ensure that this action does not cause harm in return. An eye for an eye justice is a fallacy of moral relativism and creates more controversy in the process and more harm that must be remedied.
One of the most important qualities of a sovereign is the capacity to gain, use and clarify knowledge; the choice to seek the truth. In doing so they recognize the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, and that ultimately love, compassion, empathy and honour are essential to settling disputes with other sovereign beings.
The sovereign is one who knows who they are, where they are going, how they will get there and who will be affected in the process. With great freedom comes great responsibility, requiring a wise and truth knowing mind so as to live harmoniously with others. 
Sovereigns must now unite and form a just and lawful system like the Brehan law system we had in Eire (Ireland) before the Crime Syndicate arrived and usurped it. Then and only then will we experience true freedom.

tom Ryan

Monday, November 14, 2016

Maxim of Law: Legality is NOT Reality. (It is a COPY).

Maxim of Law: Legality is NOT Reality. (It is a COPY).

Legality, by its clever use of Words, Phonics, Symbols and Spells creates an Altered State of Reality called Royalty (The CROWN). It creates an Altered State of Mind. It is a form of TRANCE-HUMANISM. It is the opposite of Live and becomes Evil in the Mirror.

In other words, it does not actually exist unless you (or anothers) Life Force energy is put into it and Conjures it up like Magick. Your Energy / Inner Chi is breathed into this otherwise non-existant "Chaos" that then creates "Form" (Paper with Meaning by Agree-Ment).

However it is more than just your own agreement that brings it too life, it is also the agreement of others who surround you who themselves Rede and Utter the words of the Prints of Darkness and enter Royalty and leave Reality. This is why the City of London (The CROWN) is known as a "Seperate State" (an Altered State).

The LEGAL NAME does not exist unless it is Conjured up or Summonsed like a Demon by the Priests of the Inner Temple of the Altered State (Barristers and their Legalese Agents in their Dark Robes). The Temple where the BAR (Ba = Soul) reside. The Inner Temple of an Altered State of Mind within the CAPITAL (Head). It is all in the Head.

So, I propose that the LEGAL NAME is in fact the "LE-GHUL NAME" and the word "Al Ghul" is French Arabic meaning "THE DEMON". The Demon perhaps of the UNDERWORLD of ANUBIS (The Black Dog Headed God). A Black Dog is associated with Hell.

A Ghoul (from Ghul) is a Evil (Live) Spirit that Robs Graves (SEE ALL CAPITAL NAME AS ON A TOMB STONE). A Ghoul then FEEDS ON A CORPSE.

It is said in Black Magick that if you know the Name of a DEMON you can Control it to serve your demands. I propose that this is why inside these TEMPLES (COURTS) they always SUMMONS the DEMON or LE GHUL NAME and once it "APPEARS" they have full control over it.

The MASTER COUNTERFEITER (Great Deceiver) has CARBON (666) Copied Man. He has made a PYRATE COPY (CO-PYRE-RATE / Corporate) of Man, an UNDERWORLD Copy on the BLACK MARKET that by Deception of THE PRINTS OF DARKNESS has got you Breathing your Life Force (FIRE / PYRE) into this Chaos Magick to Conjure up Form. Form that these Priests of Royalty can Control under a COPY RITE (RITUAL). ORDER FROM CHAOS.

This is THE MATRIX where you currently ''Live'' and where you are ''Authored'' by the Father of All Lies (The PRINTS OF DARKNESS).

The CROWN PRINTS ''Authors'' your Character known as a ''PERSON'' or **''PRESS-ON''**. You, The Original, have been Carbon (666) Copied by the CROWN (Pressed onto a Piece of Paper by the Prints of Darkness). A CROWN CLONE was CREATED and you were unwittingly invited to actually ''BE IT''. 

It stems right back to the ''GUTENBERG PRESS'' (Gutenberg was a Goldsmith in Germany, famous for PRINTING THE WORD OF GOD FOR SHECKELS). This ''Typeset Mount'' for printing is known as a ''MATRIX''. You have been entered into the BOOK OF THE DEAD.


Written by Tom Ryan

The so called liberal backlash to Trumps win and the outlandish attacks on people and property is reminiscent of the early days of the Nazis.

They are democrats when they are winning. They are ugly NAZI’s when they lose. Is the Liberal agenda really a NAZI agenda? Their actions certainly suggest so.

The downright lies, the distortions and the deletions of the Mainstream Media or should I say the Lame Stream Media has shown them up for the propaganda front they really are. Their consistently disgraceful lies about the conflicts in Syria, Ukraine, Libya and throughout the world together with their demonization of Putin and Russia with no regard for the truth really shows up their Liberal/NAZI agenda.

The failure of the lying anti Brexit media campaign should have been a dire warning to their American counterparts but they had their heads so far up their collective arrogant asses that they failed to see what was coming.

The Trump triumph regardless of the merits or otherwise of the man shows that the Lame Stream Media have lost all credibility with the public. With their consistent bias, selective opinion polls, lies and propaganda they have not only signed their own death warrant but have executed their own credibility. They are doomed. No one with any sense believes them anymore. RTE lapdogs take note.

Face Book, YouTube and Twitter posts from concerned and truthful people from all over the world are now the new mass media where one finds the truth of what is really happening in the world. Power to the people in those darkest, dying days of the old discredited media for they have replaced it with a fresh and vibrant agenda free and truthful new Peoples Media. Congratulations to the risen people.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS A CERTIFICATE OF SLAVERY....You are officially “dead.” Your identity is owned by others.

Birth or Berth Certificates are used to steal your inherent equity of the earth


In 1836, the Births and Deaths Registration Act (1836) was introduced which for the first time created the General Register Office and the requirement for uniform records of births, deaths and marriages across the British Empire by Municipal Councils and Unions of Parishes. On the 1st of July 1837, the Birth Certificate was formed as the successor of the Settlement Certificate for all “paupers” disenfranchised of their land birthright to be considered lawful (“voluntary”) slaves with benefits provided by the local parish/region underwritten by the Society of Lloyds as it is still today. Your Birth Certificate is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and is worth millions based on how much they can squeeze out of you during your lifetime. That’s the real reason you pay tax.

You are officially “dead.” Your identity is owned by others.

We are born on the land and are heirs of the land; however, within hours of birth, undeclared agents of the “State” franchise have our Mothers sign Certificates of Live Birth. These documents are misrepresented as simple recordings of the baby’s birth. Instead, they are registrations of commercial “vessels” using the baby’s name, and serving to make the “State” franchise the beneficiary of the baby’s estate on the land.

Many days, weeks, or months later as determined by “State” law, your “vessel in commerce” is reported “missing, presumed dead” to the probate court, which then doctors the civil records and converts your living estate to a trust ESTATE benefiting the “State” perpetrators of this scheme.
You are now officially “dead” with respect to the land jurisdiction and unless you take action to correct the probate court records, you and your assets are permanently trapped in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 

You are therefore unable to take recourse to your holdings on the land or the law of the land that, if you were alive you would be entitled to. Have you ever heard the Constitution and the “Law of the Land”?

Sorry those constitutional guarantees don’t apply to you because you are officially and legally dead. There’s no legally recognisable living version of “you” operating on the land as a result of this fraud. Every headstone is written in CAPITAL letters. Every legal document referring to you is also written in CAPITAL letters. Look at your driving licence. That means to them you are dead.

This is all based on ‘State’ sponsored identity theft and unilateral adhesion contracts that are obtained under conditions of deceit while you were still just a baby. There’s no way that you could ever know that this was going on or have any opportunity to object to it.