Sunday, December 28, 2014


When we think of a human person, we see a father/mother with their children around them, with their children around their table, in a room in their home, they share food with their children. Parents who teach and nurture their children to grow and act with decency in society.
It is these human persons whom we defend and respect, these human persons and no other, all that belongs to them, their children, their house,their land, their work their labour. And we agree that these human persons have a right that their children’s future be assured, that their house be inviolable. That these people will not be obliged some day, in order to live, be the proletarian and slave of another.
We accept that their labour has a value, each hour they work is work X amount, that everyone has the right to live and participate in society. We accept they are entitled not to have to wear worn out shoes, torn clothing, have their own items such as a radio, TV, their own car and their own home if they so choose. That no man has the right to drive him out of their residence or the council house in which this family dwells.
These are what we call the rights of the human person, and the duty of the democratically elected sovereign government is nothing other than to ensure respect for these essential rights, and to manage our country and resources well. These are the natural laws of the land. Our promised land.
However our government has been infiltrated and taken over by ultra elite corporate groups of radical right wingers and bankers associations who have also taken control of the media to manipulate how we think and act. Because only a fully developed propaganda bull horn could suffice the established elite’s “manipulation of voters” through damned lies, and marketing of a false pretense. Outright thought control techniques are now the norm in all countries. The parties are pre screened by these elite corporate groups and are presented to the voters as opposing parties and we get to vote for them in our fake democracy.
I present Fianna Fail and Fine Gael as proof beyond rational argument that there is no two party system, but one party, the party that rules.
As long as we vote for their hand picked patsies, they will allow us to have this fake democracy. Should people refuse to vote for them, and vote for non-party candidates who manage from time to time to get elected and oust the ruling party, the elites will create terror and enforce a shut down our democracy.
In a country where the corporate take over of media and the corporate take over of government is now complete. Only a fool believes that a real democracy exists in a world where there is none. In fact what we elect is a dictatorship and once empowered by the electorate this sovereign government will enforce the elite’s corporate agenda to the detriment of anyone and everyone under its rule.
This is the plan of the corporates in Europe and the US, and when the end result is attained. National differences will be little by little annihilated. International law will establish itself so much better than native law that native law will no more have defenders.
Countries will only be administrative districts of a single Empire. From one end of the world to the other we will live under exact laws of a bastard population, a race of indefinable gloomy slaves, without genius, without instinct, without voice.
Corporate elites will reign in a hygienic world. They will transport us to their slave work, to long lines of the men without faces, and bring us back in the evening.. this is a task they will have soon completed.
You will become a slave of the elite world, you yourself will be packaged and dehydrated, sold and used, you will be made to hear the voice of the universal conscience, so shake the dirt from your peasant shoes, this land does not belong to you any more.
This is the promised land

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The EU Water Framework Directive – “The Irish Exemption” from Domestic Water Charges.

Written by my friend and colleague Joe Cunningham

The People of Ireland cannot wait till the 2016 spring General Election. The People of Ireland are in trouble spiritually, emotionally, financially and politically … these causes were not the fault of Irish People themselves.  But every Councillor, Dail TD and Senator, the Civil Service, the Judiciary, the Courts and the Executive knows this to be true.

Like every person in Ireland today given what has happened here in Ireland these past six years. We don't know each other’s Politics to save Ireland in its penultimate needs of Strength, Courage and Leadership under the present turmoil of Irish Politics and her Politicians past and presently of today.

I believe, Irelands National Water Protests have gained a much needed incentive from all its Local and National Protests since 11th of October 2014 ... We need and want a National People Led Political State Council from within the ranks of presently serving  Dail TD’s and Senators of sincerest integrity and independently like minded Dail TD’s and Senators in Leaving aside their Political Labels even to achieve the saving of the Binding EU Directive called the “ Irish Exemption” against Domestic Water Charges in Ireland to Fight for Justice for the Irish People under the Ethos of Direct Democracy to International best practice … to gather around a National Call of Unity of Irish Citizens, Irelands People and more importantly … to rebuild Our Nation from within both Houses of the Oireacthas in demanding a National Referendum to abolish Irish Water in its entirety and to place Irelands Natural Water Resources into true Public ownership Constitutionally in its own right of Sovereign Peoples Ownership and its future financing through General Taxation by the Consent of the Irish Sovereign People for Ireland’s future humanitarian needs.

There is something I have to raise here with you all in Direct Democracy Ireland … I believe this to be very important issue to every citizen on the Isle of Ireland i.e. Citizens in Ireland and Northern Ireland … to understand where I am coming from please read this Simple Wikipedia Belfast Agreement, Friday, 10th April 1998.
Since the Belfast Agreement (sometimes called the Good Friday Agreement) of Friday, 10 April 1998, there has been mainly peace between the two sides of the community. This agreement was agreed by most of the people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, as well as the Irish and British governments. It allows for the self-government of Northern Ireland and greater North-South co-operation and co-operation between Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, it makes clear the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide their constitutional future and select whether they are British citizens, Irish citizens or both.
With Ireland’s “ Irish Exemption ” from domestic water charges under threat of being cancelled to bring in Water Charges … then to future privatisation of Irelands Natural Water Resources … A few observations for all to consider before, Wednesday, 31st December 2014 deadline. Minister of the Environment, Alan Kelly is determined to cancel the “Irish Exemption” 9.4 Clause of The EU Water Framework Directive – September 2000.  Looking at the dates of the Belfast Agreement (Good Friday Agreement) … The EU Water Framework Directive was being started at EU Level with a ten year timescale of full completion of the Directive in 2010 across Europe.
The questions or observations I am raising here are valid considering that the People from both jurisdictions of Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland voted in an International Referendum to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in Northern Ireland on humanitarian grounds thus giving the citizens of Northern Ireland “ This agreement was agreed by most of the people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, as well as the Irish and British governments. It allows for the self-government of Northern Ireland and greater North-South co-operation and co-operation between Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, it makes clear the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide their constitutional future and select whether they are British citizens, Irish citizens or both.”

Is Water not a Constitutional issue? … of all of Ireland’s People
Presently, here in Ireland … following Local and National Protests against Water Charges the Irish people are demanding a Referendum to preserve the Public ownership of Irelands Natural Water Resources of future generations which is our right … on humanitarian grounds.

The question I am asking here is this?
Being an island Nation being shared with our brothers and sisters from Northern Ireland.
Do our brothers and sisters in Northern Ireland on humanitarian grounds be given a say of not bringing in water charges … across all of Ireland as a Nation on humanitarian grounds alone in a National Referendum of all in Ireland.

Correct me if I am wrong … An “Irish Exemption” where is the distinction on humanitarian grounds on an Island Nation that has the highest rainfall in Europe. Rainfall knows no Borders.
Is an “ Irish Exemption” just a Political phrase to distinguish who is Irish and who isn’t who happens to live on the Isle of Ireland … Given that Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland are full Members of the EU.

Is the EU in Charge of the humanitarian needs of a National People who happens to live within a border that has North/South co-operation written into an International Peace Agreement that interferes with the wishes of a 1998 Constitutional Referendum to bring peace and prosperity to the People who live on the Isle of Ireland …

They are putting in Water Meters in Northern Ireland but when Sinn Fein on getting into Office and been giving the Dept. of Environment Portfolio … they fully stopped the implementation of Domestic Water Charges across the Six Counties …

My one observation to the impasse We have now is that of having no Democracy in Ireland today, so in giving our Brothers and Sisters a part to play of voting No to Water Charges in a an International Referendum to enhance the Good Friday Agreement in recognition of both our humanitarian needs for future generations for our Children’s children in a Joint Co-Operation of Right2Water for all without Borders.
As Direct Democracy People … We believe in Referendums on serious issues that effect’s everyone in Communities and Societies across an Ireland and its people of today.
Also, today they are discussing the Budget jointly I wonder are they talking about introducing Water Charges in Northern Ireland in 2016? Maybe a help to Sinn Fein won’t go amiss if true.

Let’s do this to enhance the lives of everyone on the Isle of Ireland … Perhaps a joint initiative with Sinn Fein who along with the other Political parties in Northern Ireland
The Power of the People is Stronger than the People in Power … When We Work Together.

Joe Cunningham

Friday, 12th December 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Do Yourselves A Favor And Turn RTE The Propaganda Machine Off

When people lose everything, they have nothing left to loose....In some cases suicide follows or the execution of complete families by bread winners or dominant members within that unit. Why does this happen? we are not programmed to do this at birth.

From the moment we are born, we are thought and trained to exist in this world, the development of our minds begins with the voices and touch of our parents. These first influences start to form the beginning of our thoughts and feelings and will form our understanding and basic concepts of the world around us as we grow.

However, soon before we are a year old a much greater influence begins to insert itself into our minds its called television. From now on not just cartoons, nursery rhymes and silly songs but advertisements and commercials are set within the early years of the entertainment of our young developing minds and will influence how we will think and react to what goes on around us, These thoughts will start to tell us what we need, want and desire, Our generation is experiencing an onslaught of the mind which is hardly imaginable, Our kids see more advertisement in one year than we did in our whole lives to date, Thousands and thousands of TV advertisements, billboard posters, videos ect ect creating millions in revenue for giant corporations who's only desire is to control the way we think and act.

You are not you,

We are millions of images,thoughts and concepts that have been ingrained into our brains since the day we were born all for control, We are living in the ultimate matrix....

But this isn't my story, It belongs to you, Im just telling you it belongs to someone else,

When we start school a whole new sort of programming begins, boundaries are set and we learn that their are fences that hold us in, clocks that control our time and authorities we must listen to. But most of all we are thought to be good little citizens and thought to toe the establishment line of reasoning. In simple terms we are prisoners in the system, we are told what to like what to desire and how to act, we are told what is acceptable in order to have a good Irish lifestyle.

I am going to tell you now to question everything, We are supposedly FREE, The Irish acceptance of authority and our love affair with RTE and media has reached dangerous levels of control, has anyone noticed their sources are often questionable or they are reporting on issues that don't seem quite important. Film stars, pop idols, events of in-consequence things that wont make the slightest bit of difference in our lives,

The facts are that over the last 10 years or so television news has been going through a consolidation, which is unrepresented in modern media history. Corporations and media outlets are in collusion with government and have been suppressing coverage of issues that actually make a difference. One person that controls a massive amount of our media today is Denis O Brien and its a fact that less than twenty companies control and operate 90% of all mass media in Ireland today, Newspapers, Magazines, TV and Radio Stations. Nothing can match these corporate groups power to influence the social landscape.

They tell you what to do and when to do, they tell you everything is OK, while all the time praying we the people don't find out the real truth about what is really happening, The truth is that they are fucking us, they have been setting up the poor and middle classes for the biggest fall of all. But I sincerely hope we are not going to take it.

I want everyone to WAKE UP, see whats happening and if enough people get together and SCREAM the government has to listen and right now opportunity is knocking, so answer the door.. ANSWER THE FECKING DOOR

In 1922 the founders of our state could never have imagined we would live in a world with hundreds of TV and Radio channels  operating 24/7 or be connected to people all over the world with the click of a button via internet, we live in the information age or how our government would use it to manipulate news and information for their own selfish gains.

The Irish constitution of 1922 did not provide for money and we used sterling but in 1927 The new Saorstát pound was defined by the 1927 Act to have exactly the same weight and fineness of gold as was the sovereign at the time making the new currency pegged at 1:1 with sterling which was backed by gold and silver.

Today however our new Eurozone fiat money is backed by nothing and the only reason we are able to purchase goods with this toilet paper is because its been ingrained in the minds of Europeans for the last 15 years that the Euro is real money when the actual truth is, its all an illusion.

In the last general election Irish people were asked to support several right/left wing parties, like Fianna Fail, Fine Gael & Labour, While they claim to be different parties with different polices the facts are that they are the same, All part of one corporation with different departments and the whole election was just a charade. Everything the government does pushes up prices and lowers living standards for all Irish citizens.

When Government began providing student loans to make college tuition affordable, college fees rocketed, When the government created incentives to make housing affordable, Housing prices went through the roof, The Irish were encouraged to use their homes as collateral to borrow money to buy goods they didn't need like expensive cars, clothes, electronics and other things TV and media told us what we needed to have. How did this happen and where did we get the money ? This was all created by the central bank who colluded with the ECB to artificially create lower interest rates in order to fund the property boom of the early 2000s, Citizens are now so deep in debt we are officially debt slaves.

Realise this is not our fault.... the entire system is going through convulsions and us citizens are the meat in the grinder. Just turn everything off we can survive without them, Could we survive without RTE, eating out, foreign holidays, mobile phones Ect, If we cannot survive without these in an un-collapsed situation how will we survive when the system really breaks down and our water, electricity or food source are cut of for a week. We are not prepared for disaster type events,  Do you have spare cash, gold. silver. food, water, camping supplies ready.

Fight to change the existing system that favors the corporate and political elite over our poor and middle class. Do not base our future decisions on what RTE and our media or newspapers  tell us, they are the propaganda tools of the corporate and political elite, and only exist to control us, setting us up like sheep to be slaughtered. Turn off their lies, do not feed their advertisers as these are the very matrix that seeks to enslave us. Kill them, do not subscribe to them, starve them of our attention. We are FREE individuals and should no longer be subservient to the control of our minds by RTE, Independent Newspapers, and all such media controlled by the less than 20 corporations who seek to enslave us and future generations.

We were born FREE and thus we shall remain FREE,

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Who Needs Democracy

In this piece I use mushrooms as an example of how the spawning of ideas can spread as the tern mushroom means to expand.

Mushrooms grow and prosper freely in the dark and just like nations who are treated with dignity and respect by those representatives they select to lead and guide them. Only a foolish mushroom would compete to outgrow the others who share and flourish its dark environment, just like a nation grows when citizens work together for the common good of all in their communities, people become corporations to the same devastating effects of the mushroom.

Every mushroom realises that if they go pursuing their own individual freedom by growing so tall the environment in which they dwell will collapse exposing all to the light and imminent failure of not just that one ambitious fungi but all the fungi sheltering in this warm safe environment..

Some citizens who have grown used to a certain idea of individual freedom will expand and try outgrow the others around them to prosper and enrich themselves to the detriment of others, While at first this encourages others to follow their example it ultimately ends where the many will destroy the few by tearing  at the roots and structures of those who would destroy what the many have toiled for generations to create. Because if they don't they will end up with a grossly unbalanced or dictatorial society where one group uses, manipulates and exploits the others to enrich themselves and other cohorts with whom they form pacts to protect themselves from the majority.

Since the beginning of time, history has proven it can only end in destruction, from the Akkadian Roman, Ottoman, Mongol. Russian and British empires to name but a few all have fallen in a calculated frenzy of blood spilling with horror of terror of ethnic cleansing and rejection of  dictatorial enslavement of communities and their people,

While its cruel and barbaric, It is simply described as the process of industrial mutation that keeps revolutionizing the economic structures from within. By destroying the old one and creating new ones, the enslaved strive for a piece of freedom and democracy in which they can live and exist in peace and harmony with the others around them.

What is Freedom?

Freedom is the right and capacity of people to determine their own actions, in a community which is able to provide for the full development of human potentiality. Freedom may be enjoyed by individuals but only in and through the community......Karl Marx

What is Democracy?

Democracy by definition means the government by people, meaning that all people should have their say in one way or another on everything that effect their lives. 

The first type is Direct Democracy and in my mind is the fairest of all for those who participate.
This right can be exercised directly by every member of a community allowed to personally enter, without mediators, their position on a particular issue in a decision making process. majority dictates the rule or law.

The second process is Representative Democracy and this would be ok if all the representatives made their decisions after consulting with their constituents, as this would enable them have a clear view as to what the constituents want.
Unfortunately the majority of countries which use representative democracy are not true democracy's according to the definition and are actually just elected dictatorships.

We got used to the notion that freedom is an expression of unconditional choice. Anything that conflicts or effects a persons freedom to express him or herself must be some kind of dictatorship. If this is not the case we will have come to believe the very idea/notion of freedom is at risk

But is this way of thinking about freedom as individuated accurate, or even true? Where did we get this belief? And more importantly, might it, in some strange way, have come to undermine our welfare? Just how is it that society came to believe that individual expression is an unconditional value, and that communal welfare must be conditional and restricted?

The answer is not moral or rational, but historical. So let’s be straight right now, there’s no point looking at mushrooms. They’re thick and these ones are fucked. Their house will fall, and in the true light of day, they will die. We cannot learn from them.

Our beloved country through the wrong use of representative democracy of bullying and enslavement through debt has become part of an empire, its call the European Union, Its is stripping our country bare and is controlled by Corporations and Cartels who use money and debt to control the citizens. Have we learned so little in the last 5000 years that we would yet again try to build an empire that's certain to fail in the long term and will end with the destruction of millions of innocents in a holocaust of death and destruction as all the others have. History dictates it will happen.

Do yourselves a favor, take a look towards the future plans for this empire as I have done and will write about at another time, this is what all the fighting and squabbling is about today as the EU dictates to Ireland what it wants in place so it can rob and enslave our people for decades to come. I urge this in the name of true democracy, freedom and justice for all

Watch the video and understand nothing lasts forever and Europe will fall eventually

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Its Not Just About Water...... Is It?

More than ever, Irish people believe their government is not keeping pace with their expectations and situations. In the last year Ireland has seen groundswells of popular protest in which crowds largely composed of poor and middle-class communities who have taken to the streets to demand a more accountable responsive and democratic government using the issue of water to voice it.
Beginning in September 2008, Our democratically elected government blanket guaranteed our bankrupt banks, sending Ireland into years of a spiraling decay of poverty and austerity without the consent of the people who elected them. WELL while there was uproar in the minds of thousands of citizens, no one knew or could have imagined what this guarantee would mean, not even the Government themselves.
 After a decade of growth Ireland was now broke and will remain broke for the lifetime of the majority of its citizens and its children. But the people did not take to the streets, probably through ignorance of not knowing what was happening, after all most of us still had the riches gathered after a decade of prosperity. We were told we could and would get out of this without anyone knowing the extent of the disaster which had occurred.
 Scandal after high-profile scandal implicated ruling politicians and their corrupt banking cronies in the rape of Ireland and it citizens. The peoples moral outrage is entirely justified, and the factors linked to Ireland’s governance woes are well known - a rise in corruption, cronyism, and criminal-ism among the ranks of elected TDs and officials, alongside crushing government bureaucracy. However, the root causes mostly go unexplored. For starters, the apparent corruption and criminal-ism in Ireland have only started to come into the light as a nation is buggered time and time again to pay odious and immoral debts to un-secured bondholders. This is part, and product of two developments: decreased transparency and interference from Europe and the IMF who were invited to Ireland in 2010 by the then coalition of a weak Fianna Fáil and Green Party coalition. In addition, the proliferation's of elected politicians without the qualifications to run a piss up in a brewery yet alone a country in deep deep trouble. Although deplorable as it is, its a direct response to irrational voter choices, voters selected the politicians who they believed could work best for Ireland after an election of lies and broken promises by the Fine Gael and Labour Party.( the words still ring loudly in my ears) NOT ANOTHER PENNY, and LABOURS WAY or FRANKFURTS WAY.
As it turned out, the remedies to these problems were somewhat counterproductive. and EU and IMF bureaucrats took control of Ireland's lying and deceitful politicians and stuck the boot in. Had they engaged in more citizenry, a much better solution could and would have been found.

The good news is that the lower and middle class might be mobilizing for just that purpose. This December 10th, the citizens will take to the streets to protest peacefully against a Government who were elected on a manifesto of lies and deceit. For the most part, the people’s outrage is directed not against ordinary civil servants, but against the political elite class, which, they believe, have failed to provide basic security and protection for the human right to water. Once they win, the protesters will make the jump from chanting anti-government slogans to engaging in pragmatic politics. This spring, the public, especially the poor and middle class, will engage in a vigorous quest for solutions to our current debacle through informed debate which should lead to the passage of new legislation in a new people led Government. All this suggests that the poor and middle class are capable of embracing politics and promoting badly needed political reform,  
Roll on the next election where a leader will lead and the people will govern and so say all of us.

Representative Democracy And Whats Wrong With It,

Whats wrong in this country is the type of governance offered, Representative Democracy does not serve the people as it should, and instead serves a few individuals at the top of elected parties with their own agenda’s. These individuals party whip forces through polices which do not represent the people in a majority vote, TDs who object are removed from the party. Eg. The EMC (economical management council)
There is no accountability or no system of recall. Imagine appointing an incompetent to run your business with no way of sacking them, Our current system is exactly the same.
Once TDs are elected people must wait 5 years for the next day of democracy when choices will be stifled by right wing parties (civil war politics) with basically the same policies of a right wing branch with different departments, That is Fianna Fail & Fine Gael. And now for fear of losing their grip on the mantle of power we have talk of Lucinda Creighton & Declan Ganley & Co starting yet another right wing party, which all sounds a bit PD ish to me and was a complete and utter failure.
Then we have the left wing politics, what is it ? In left-right politics, left-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality,
It is supposedly justified on basis of concern for those in society who are perceived as disadvantaged relative to others & an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.
Labour market themselves as one of these parties, but their NOT, The Labour party in Ireland has propped up right wing politics for most of the last 100 years, whipping their TDs into implementing austerity on the very people in society they claim to represent.
After every election what we have as Government is one party with 3 departments all dishing out the same polices for personal gain, neoplasm & corruption while all the time forcing unpopular policy upon the more vulnerable in our society.
Sinn Féin is a 32-County party striving for an end to partition on the island of Ireland and the establishment of a democratic socialist republic. 90 years after partition, with communities divided by the border become increasingly reintegrated, there is a growing pull towards reunification. Sinn Féin is a whipped party, The whip being undemocratic make Sinn Féin undemocratic, IMO
Who will this serve, the poor and middle classes of modern Ireland or the forgotten 25% when partition occurred in 1922, While admiring their stance on some issues,Sinn Féin are distrusted by a good proportion of the nation due their association with the now disbanded & often violent IRA.
So who’s left small parties like the Green’s who were left decimated after the 2011 general election after a disastrous coalition with the right wing Fianna Fáil proving they had little to offer the electorate,
The Socialist Party are involved in many community campaigns, like the Anti Water Charge campaign, and continues to be active in campaigns against fascism, racism, low pay exploitation and religious sectarianism. They advocate and support rights for workers, women, ethnic minorities and members of the LBGT community.
Its certainly one for the poorer people but is also a whipped party, The whip being undemocratic make the socialist undemocratic, IMO
Then we have the Independents, who usually get elected on a particular issue within an electoral area, However some such as Luke Ming Flanagan, Catherine Murphy, Stephen Donnelly, Shane Ross & others have represented the poorer & middle class much better than elected parties, However they are a minority and will always remain so.
A new party who will have candidates in the up-coming election is Direct Democracy Ireland. They bring not representative democracy but DIRECT DEMOCRACY governance, which was in our constitution of 1922 and was unconstitutionally removed by Eammon De Valera and the Fianna Fail party in 1937.

What is Direct Democracy and how does it work? Well here’s the short version, by Implementing Direct Democracy in Ireland it returns the power to the people to call referendums, instigate legislation, and recall representatives who fail to perform.
Had we had Direct Democracy governance we would never have found ourselves in the current situation we are in now, Banks would not have been bailed out, The Lisbon Treaty would not have been implemented.
Direct Democracy feeds from the bottom up rather than from the top down it has served Switzerland for the last 800 years, and has recently been implemented in Iceland after it’s economy collapsed. Switzerland has the best living standards in the world. The people decide on all major issue’s like bailing out banks to pay bondholders.
Just imagine… All 27 member countries or Sovereign Nations of the European Union have Direct Democracy in their Constitutions – Would Europe or the European Union be in the crisis they are in today? NO
What has caused the EEC (European Economic Union) to collapse at the introduction of the Euro Currency to create the Economic Union (EU) then we have the ECB (European Central Bank) as a Private Bank. Heretofore, private businesses, large Corporations & Cartels control … That’s why all corporate lobbyists head for Europe instead of individual nations like they used too. The EU has now left itself open to Corporate & Political Corruption at the highest level in the EU.
This neither serves any individual citizen of each EU Nation to have any trust of the EU Parliament, its EU Commission or the EU Council (European Leaders) to facilitate the Political needs and wants of the Sovereign People’s of any Eurozone country.
The EU as it stands is all based on Representative Democracy and is failing dismally except for Switzerland, The question is which would you choose? …Proper Political Governance or the status quo.
I have made my mind up and I choose Direct Democracy Governance… Over all others

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Lost: Statism is the true alternative

The Lost: Statism is the true alternative: We own this island us the human animal--we are the Irish herd, it is our territory our nation, yet we have given it over to an ideology tha...