Written by my friend and colleague Joe Cunningham
The People of Ireland cannot wait till the 2016 spring
General Election. The People of Ireland are in trouble spiritually,
emotionally, financially and politically … these causes were not the fault of
Irish People themselves. But every Councillor,
Dail TD and Senator, the Civil Service, the Judiciary, the Courts and the
Executive knows this to be true.
Like every person in Ireland today given what has
happened here in Ireland these past six years. We don't know each other’s
Politics to save Ireland in its penultimate needs of Strength, Courage and
Leadership under the present turmoil of Irish Politics and her Politicians past
and presently of today.
I believe, Irelands National Water Protests have gained
a much needed incentive from all its Local and National Protests since 11th
of October 2014 ... We need and want a National People Led Political State Council
from within the ranks of presently serving Dail TD’s and Senators of sincerest integrity
and independently like minded Dail TD’s and Senators in Leaving aside their Political
Labels even to achieve the saving of the Binding EU Directive called the “
Irish Exemption” against Domestic Water Charges in Ireland to Fight for Justice
for the Irish People under the Ethos of Direct Democracy to International best
practice … to gather around a National Call of Unity of Irish Citizens,
Irelands People and more importantly … to rebuild Our Nation from within both
Houses of the Oireacthas in demanding a National Referendum to abolish Irish
Water in its entirety and to place Irelands Natural Water Resources into true
Public ownership Constitutionally in its own right of Sovereign Peoples Ownership
and its future financing through General Taxation by the Consent of the Irish
Sovereign People for Ireland’s future humanitarian needs.
There is something I have to raise here with you all in Direct Democracy Ireland … I believe this to be very important issue to every citizen on the Isle of Ireland i.e. Citizens in Ireland and Northern Ireland … to understand where I am coming from please read this Simple Wikipedia Belfast Agreement, Friday, 10th April 1998. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland#Belfast_Agreement
Since the Belfast Agreement (sometimes called the Good Friday Agreement) of Friday, 10 April 1998, there has been mainly peace between the two sides of the community. This agreement was agreed by most of the people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, as well as the Irish and British governments. It allows for the self-government of Northern Ireland and greater North-South co-operation and co-operation between Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, it makes clear the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide their constitutional future and select whether they are British citizens, Irish citizens or both.
There is something I have to raise here with you all in Direct Democracy Ireland … I believe this to be very important issue to every citizen on the Isle of Ireland i.e. Citizens in Ireland and Northern Ireland … to understand where I am coming from please read this Simple Wikipedia Belfast Agreement, Friday, 10th April 1998. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland#Belfast_Agreement
Since the Belfast Agreement (sometimes called the Good Friday Agreement) of Friday, 10 April 1998, there has been mainly peace between the two sides of the community. This agreement was agreed by most of the people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, as well as the Irish and British governments. It allows for the self-government of Northern Ireland and greater North-South co-operation and co-operation between Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, it makes clear the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide their constitutional future and select whether they are British citizens, Irish citizens or both.
With Ireland’s “ Irish Exemption ” from domestic water
charges under threat of being cancelled to bring in Water Charges … then to
future privatisation of Irelands Natural Water Resources … A few observations
for all to consider before, Wednesday, 31st December 2014 deadline.
Minister of the Environment, Alan Kelly is determined to cancel the “Irish
Exemption” 9.4 Clause of The EU Water Framework Directive – September 2000. Looking at the dates of the Belfast Agreement
(Good Friday Agreement) … The EU Water Framework Directive was being started at
EU Level with a ten year timescale of full completion of the Directive in 2010
across Europe.
The questions or observations I am raising here are
valid considering that the People from both jurisdictions of Northern Ireland
and Southern Ireland voted in an International Referendum to bring a peaceful
resolution to the conflicts in Northern Ireland on humanitarian grounds thus
giving the citizens of Northern Ireland “ This
agreement was agreed by most of the people in Northern Ireland and the Republic
of Ireland, as well as the Irish and British governments. It allows for the
self-government of Northern Ireland and greater North-South co-operation and
co-operation between Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, it
makes clear the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide their
constitutional future and select whether they are British citizens, Irish
citizens or both.”
Water not a Constitutional issue? … of all of Ireland’s People
Presently, here in Ireland … following Local and
National Protests against Water Charges the Irish people are demanding a
Referendum to preserve the Public ownership of Irelands Natural Water Resources
of future generations which is our right … on humanitarian grounds.
The question I am asking here is this?
The question I am asking here is this?
Being an island Nation being shared with our brothers
and sisters from Northern Ireland.
Do our brothers and sisters in Northern Ireland on humanitarian grounds be given a say of not bringing in water charges … across all of Ireland as a Nation on humanitarian grounds alone in a National Referendum of all in Ireland.
Correct me if I am wrong … An “Irish Exemption” where is the distinction on humanitarian grounds on an Island Nation that has the highest rainfall in Europe. Rainfall knows no Borders.
Do our brothers and sisters in Northern Ireland on humanitarian grounds be given a say of not bringing in water charges … across all of Ireland as a Nation on humanitarian grounds alone in a National Referendum of all in Ireland.
Correct me if I am wrong … An “Irish Exemption” where is the distinction on humanitarian grounds on an Island Nation that has the highest rainfall in Europe. Rainfall knows no Borders.
Is an “ Irish Exemption” just a Political phrase to
distinguish who is Irish and who isn’t who happens to live on the Isle of
Ireland … Given that Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland are full Members of
the EU.
Is the EU in Charge of the humanitarian needs of a National People who happens to live within a border that has North/South co-operation written into an International Peace Agreement that interferes with the wishes of a 1998 Constitutional Referendum to bring peace and prosperity to the People who live on the Isle of Ireland …
They are putting in Water Meters in Northern Ireland but when Sinn Fein on getting into Office and been giving the Dept. of Environment Portfolio … they fully stopped the implementation of Domestic Water Charges across the Six Counties …
My one observation to the impasse We have now is that of having no Democracy in Ireland today, so in giving our Brothers and Sisters a part to play of voting No to Water Charges in a an International Referendum to enhance the Good Friday Agreement in recognition of both our humanitarian needs for future generations for our Children’s children in a Joint Co-Operation of Right2Water for all without Borders.
Is the EU in Charge of the humanitarian needs of a National People who happens to live within a border that has North/South co-operation written into an International Peace Agreement that interferes with the wishes of a 1998 Constitutional Referendum to bring peace and prosperity to the People who live on the Isle of Ireland …
They are putting in Water Meters in Northern Ireland but when Sinn Fein on getting into Office and been giving the Dept. of Environment Portfolio … they fully stopped the implementation of Domestic Water Charges across the Six Counties …
My one observation to the impasse We have now is that of having no Democracy in Ireland today, so in giving our Brothers and Sisters a part to play of voting No to Water Charges in a an International Referendum to enhance the Good Friday Agreement in recognition of both our humanitarian needs for future generations for our Children’s children in a Joint Co-Operation of Right2Water for all without Borders.
As Direct Democracy People … We believe in Referendums
on serious issues that effect’s everyone in Communities and Societies across an
Ireland and its people of today.
Also, today they are discussing the Budget jointly I
wonder are they talking about introducing Water Charges in Northern Ireland in
2016? Maybe a help to Sinn Fein won’t go amiss if true.
Let’s do this to enhance the lives of everyone on the Isle of Ireland … Perhaps a joint initiative with Sinn Fein who along with the other Political parties in Northern Ireland
Let’s do this to enhance the lives of everyone on the Isle of Ireland … Perhaps a joint initiative with Sinn Fein who along with the other Political parties in Northern Ireland
The Power of the People is Stronger than the People in
Power … When We Work Together.
Joe Cunningham
Joe Cunningham
Friday, 12th December 2014
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