Whats wrong in this country is the type of governance offered, Representative Democracy does not serve the people as it should, and instead serves a few individuals at the top of elected parties with their own agenda’s. These individuals party whip forces through polices which do not represent the people in a majority vote, TDs who object are removed from the party. Eg. The EMC (economical management council)
There is no accountability or no system of recall. Imagine appointing an incompetent to run your business with no way of sacking them, Our current system is exactly the same.
Once TDs are elected people must wait 5 years for the next day of democracy when choices will be stifled by right wing parties (civil war politics) with basically the same policies of a right wing branch with different departments, That is Fianna Fail & Fine Gael. And now for fear of losing their grip on the mantle of power we have talk of Lucinda Creighton & Declan Ganley & Co starting yet another right wing party, which all sounds a bit PD ish to me and was a complete and utter failure.
Then we have the left wing politics, what is it ? In left-right politics, left-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality,
It is supposedly justified on basis of concern for those in society who are perceived as disadvantaged relative to others & an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.
It is supposedly justified on basis of concern for those in society who are perceived as disadvantaged relative to others & an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.
Labour market themselves as one of these parties, but their NOT, The Labour party in Ireland has propped up right wing politics for most of the last 100 years, whipping their TDs into implementing austerity on the very people in society they claim to represent.
After every election what we have as Government is one party with 3 departments all dishing out the same polices for personal gain, neoplasm & corruption while all the time forcing unpopular policy upon the more vulnerable in our society.
Sinn Féin is a 32-County party striving for an end to partition on the island of Ireland and the establishment of a democratic socialist republic. 90 years after partition, with communities divided by the border become increasingly reintegrated, there is a growing pull towards reunification. Sinn Féin is a whipped party, The whip being undemocratic make Sinn Féin undemocratic, IMO
Who will this serve, the poor and middle classes of modern Ireland or the forgotten 25% when partition occurred in 1922, While admiring their stance on some issues,Sinn Féin are distrusted by a good proportion of the nation due their association with the now disbanded & often violent IRA.
So who’s left small parties like the Green’s who were left decimated after the 2011 general election after a disastrous coalition with the right wing Fianna Fáil proving they had little to offer the electorate,
The Socialist Party are involved in many community campaigns, like the Anti Water Charge campaign, and continues to be active in campaigns against fascism, racism, low pay exploitation and religious sectarianism. They advocate and support rights for workers, women, ethnic minorities and members of the LBGT community.
Its certainly one for the poorer people but is also a whipped party, The whip being undemocratic make the socialist undemocratic, IMO
Its certainly one for the poorer people but is also a whipped party, The whip being undemocratic make the socialist undemocratic, IMO
Then we have the Independents, who usually get elected on a particular issue within an electoral area, However some such as Luke Ming Flanagan, Catherine Murphy, Stephen Donnelly, Shane Ross & others have represented the poorer & middle class much better than elected parties, However they are a minority and will always remain so.
A new party who will have candidates in the up-coming election is Direct Democracy Ireland. They bring not representative democracy but DIRECT DEMOCRACY governance, which was in our constitution of 1922 and was unconstitutionally removed by Eammon De Valera and the Fianna Fail party in 1937.
What is Direct Democracy and how does it work? Well here’s the short version, by Implementing Direct Democracy in Ireland it returns the power to the people to call referendums, instigate legislation, and recall representatives who fail to perform.
Had we had Direct Democracy governance we would never have found ourselves in the current situation we are in now, Banks would not have been bailed out, The Lisbon Treaty would not have been implemented.
Direct Democracy feeds from the bottom up rather than from the top down it has served Switzerland for the last 800 years, and has recently been implemented in Iceland after it’s economy collapsed. Switzerland has the best living standards in the world. The people decide on all major issue’s like bailing out banks to pay bondholders.
Just imagine… All 27 member countries or Sovereign Nations of the European Union have Direct Democracy in their Constitutions – Would Europe or the European Union be in the crisis they are in today? NO
What has caused the EEC (European Economic Union) to collapse at the introduction of the Euro Currency to create the Economic Union (EU) then we have the ECB (European Central Bank) as a Private Bank. Heretofore, private businesses, large Corporations & Cartels control … That’s why all corporate lobbyists head for Europe instead of individual nations like they used too. The EU has now left itself open to Corporate & Political Corruption at the highest level in the EU.
This neither serves any individual citizen of each EU Nation to have any trust of the EU Parliament, its EU Commission or the EU Council (European Leaders) to facilitate the Political needs and wants of the Sovereign People’s of any Eurozone country.
The EU as it stands is all based on Representative Democracy and is failing dismally except for Switzerland, The question is which would you choose? …Proper Political Governance or the status quo.
I have made my mind up and I choose Direct Democracy Governance… Over all others
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