Mushrooms grow and prosper freely in the dark and just like nations who are treated with dignity and respect by those representatives they select to lead and guide them. Only a foolish mushroom would compete to outgrow the others who share and flourish its dark environment, just like a nation grows when citizens work together for the common good of all in their communities, people become corporations to the same devastating effects of the mushroom.
Every mushroom realises that if they go pursuing their own individual freedom by growing so tall the environment in which they dwell will collapse exposing all to the light and imminent failure of not just that one ambitious fungi but all the fungi sheltering in this warm safe environment..
Some citizens who have grown used to a certain idea of individual freedom will expand and try outgrow the others around them to prosper and enrich themselves to the detriment of others, While at first this encourages others to follow their example it ultimately ends where the many will destroy the few by tearing at the roots and structures of those who would destroy what the many have toiled for generations to create. Because if they don't they will end up with a grossly unbalanced or dictatorial society where one group uses, manipulates and exploits the others to enrich themselves and other cohorts with whom they form pacts to protect themselves from the majority.
Since the beginning of time, history has proven it can only end in destruction, from the Akkadian Roman, Ottoman, Mongol. Russian and British empires to name but a few all have fallen in a calculated frenzy of blood spilling with horror of terror of ethnic cleansing and rejection of dictatorial enslavement of communities and their people,
While its cruel and barbaric, It is simply described as the process of industrial mutation that keeps revolutionizing the economic structures from within. By destroying the old one and creating new ones, the enslaved strive for a piece of freedom and democracy in which they can live and exist in peace and harmony with the others around them.
What is Freedom?
Freedom is the right and capacity of people to determine their own actions, in a community which is able to provide for the full development of human potentiality. Freedom may be enjoyed by individuals but only in and through the community......Karl Marx
What is Democracy?
Democracy by definition means the government by people, meaning that all people should have their say in one way or another on everything that effect their lives.
The first type is Direct Democracy and in my mind is the fairest of all for those who participate.
This right can be exercised directly by every member of a community allowed to personally enter, without mediators, their position on a particular issue in a decision making process. majority dictates the rule or law.
The second process is Representative Democracy and this would be ok if all the representatives made their decisions after consulting with their constituents, as this would enable them have a clear view as to what the constituents want.
Unfortunately the majority of countries which use representative democracy are not true democracy's according to the definition and are actually just elected dictatorships.
We got used to the notion that freedom is an expression of unconditional choice. Anything that conflicts or effects a persons freedom to express him or herself must be some kind of dictatorship. If this is not the case we will have come to believe the very idea/notion of freedom is at risk
But is this way of thinking about freedom as individuated accurate, or even true? Where did we get this belief? And more importantly, might it, in some strange way, have come to undermine our welfare? Just how is it that society came to believe that individual expression is an unconditional value, and that communal welfare must be conditional and restricted?
The answer is not moral or rational, but historical. So let’s be straight right now, there’s no point looking at mushrooms. They’re thick and these ones are fucked. Their house will fall, and in the true light of day, they will die. We cannot learn from them.
Our beloved country through the wrong use of representative democracy of bullying and enslavement through debt has become part of an empire, its call the European Union, Its is stripping our country bare and is controlled by Corporations and Cartels who use money and debt to control the citizens. Have we learned so little in the last 5000 years that we would yet again try to build an empire that's certain to fail in the long term and will end with the destruction of millions of innocents in a holocaust of death and destruction as all the others have. History dictates it will happen.
Do yourselves a favor, take a look towards the future plans for this empire as I have done and will write about at another time, this is what all the fighting and squabbling is about today as the EU dictates to Ireland what it wants in place so it can rob and enslave our people for decades to come. I urge this in the name of true democracy, freedom and justice for all
Watch the video and understand nothing lasts forever and Europe will fall eventually
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