Thursday, December 11, 2014
Do Yourselves A Favor And Turn RTE The Propaganda Machine Off
When people lose everything, they have nothing left to loose....In some cases suicide follows or the execution of complete families by bread winners or dominant members within that unit. Why does this happen? we are not programmed to do this at birth.
From the moment we are born, we are thought and trained to exist in this world, the development of our minds begins with the voices and touch of our parents. These first influences start to form the beginning of our thoughts and feelings and will form our understanding and basic concepts of the world around us as we grow.
However, soon before we are a year old a much greater influence begins to insert itself into our minds its called television. From now on not just cartoons, nursery rhymes and silly songs but advertisements and commercials are set within the early years of the entertainment of our young developing minds and will influence how we will think and react to what goes on around us, These thoughts will start to tell us what we need, want and desire, Our generation is experiencing an onslaught of the mind which is hardly imaginable, Our kids see more advertisement in one year than we did in our whole lives to date, Thousands and thousands of TV advertisements, billboard posters, videos ect ect creating millions in revenue for giant corporations who's only desire is to control the way we think and act.
You are not you,
We are millions of images,thoughts and concepts that have been ingrained into our brains since the day we were born all for control, We are living in the ultimate matrix....
But this isn't my story, It belongs to you, Im just telling you it belongs to someone else,
When we start school a whole new sort of programming begins, boundaries are set and we learn that their are fences that hold us in, clocks that control our time and authorities we must listen to. But most of all we are thought to be good little citizens and thought to toe the establishment line of reasoning. In simple terms we are prisoners in the system, we are told what to like what to desire and how to act, we are told what is acceptable in order to have a good Irish lifestyle.
I am going to tell you now to question everything, We are supposedly FREE, The Irish acceptance of authority and our love affair with RTE and media has reached dangerous levels of control, has anyone noticed their sources are often questionable or they are reporting on issues that don't seem quite important. Film stars, pop idols, events of in-consequence things that wont make the slightest bit of difference in our lives,
The facts are that over the last 10 years or so television news has been going through a consolidation, which is unrepresented in modern media history. Corporations and media outlets are in collusion with government and have been suppressing coverage of issues that actually make a difference. One person that controls a massive amount of our media today is Denis O Brien and its a fact that less than twenty companies control and operate 90% of all mass media in Ireland today, Newspapers, Magazines, TV and Radio Stations. Nothing can match these corporate groups power to influence the social landscape.
They tell you what to do and when to do, they tell you everything is OK, while all the time praying we the people don't find out the real truth about what is really happening, The truth is that they are fucking us, they have been setting up the poor and middle classes for the biggest fall of all. But I sincerely hope we are not going to take it.
I want everyone to WAKE UP, see whats happening and if enough people get together and SCREAM the government has to listen and right now opportunity is knocking, so answer the door.. ANSWER THE FECKING DOOR
In 1922 the founders of our state could never have imagined we would live in a world with hundreds of TV and Radio channels operating 24/7 or be connected to people all over the world with the click of a button via internet, we live in the information age or how our government would use it to manipulate news and information for their own selfish gains.
The Irish constitution of 1922 did not provide for money and we used sterling but in 1927 The new Saorstát pound was defined by the 1927 Act to have exactly the same weight and fineness of gold as was the sovereign at the time making the new currency pegged at 1:1 with sterling which was backed by gold and silver.
Today however our new Eurozone fiat money is backed by nothing and the only reason we are able to purchase goods with this toilet paper is because its been ingrained in the minds of Europeans for the last 15 years that the Euro is real money when the actual truth is, its all an illusion.
In the last general election Irish people were asked to support several right/left wing parties, like Fianna Fail, Fine Gael & Labour, While they claim to be different parties with different polices the facts are that they are the same, All part of one corporation with different departments and the whole election was just a charade. Everything the government does pushes up prices and lowers living standards for all Irish citizens.
When Government began providing student loans to make college tuition affordable, college fees rocketed, When the government created incentives to make housing affordable, Housing prices went through the roof, The Irish were encouraged to use their homes as collateral to borrow money to buy goods they didn't need like expensive cars, clothes, electronics and other things TV and media told us what we needed to have. How did this happen and where did we get the money ? This was all created by the central bank who colluded with the ECB to artificially create lower interest rates in order to fund the property boom of the early 2000s, Citizens are now so deep in debt we are officially debt slaves.
Realise this is not our fault.... the entire system is going through convulsions and us citizens are the meat in the grinder. Just turn everything off we can survive without them, Could we survive without RTE, eating out, foreign holidays, mobile phones Ect, If we cannot survive without these in an un-collapsed situation how will we survive when the system really breaks down and our water, electricity or food source are cut of for a week. We are not prepared for disaster type events, Do you have spare cash, gold. silver. food, water, camping supplies ready.
Fight to change the existing system that favors the corporate and political elite over our poor and middle class. Do not base our future decisions on what RTE and our media or newspapers tell us, they are the propaganda tools of the corporate and political elite, and only exist to control us, setting us up like sheep to be slaughtered. Turn off their lies, do not feed their advertisers as these are the very matrix that seeks to enslave us. Kill them, do not subscribe to them, starve them of our attention. We are FREE individuals and should no longer be subservient to the control of our minds by RTE, Independent Newspapers, and all such media controlled by the less than 20 corporations who seek to enslave us and future generations.
We were born FREE and thus we shall remain FREE,
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